Saturday, August 31, 2024

D124 - 08/30/24 DAY OF NOTHING

Late last night before we went to bed we peaked outside not to see the aurora but to see the stars. It is so dark here we could see hundreds. This is what we saw that stood out the most … the Milky Way, Small Dipper, the Big Dipper and the North Star. Can’t believe they sorta showed up on photos taken from my phone. I kinda felt that the Big Dipper and the North Star was Alaska calling us back since that’s what is represented on Alaska’s state flag. 

Then no sooner did we get in bed we could hear a squirrel (hopefully) on the roof of the Airstream. Shouldn’t they be sleeping? It was walking back and forth on the roof and we eventually heard him slide off. Best guess he jumped from a limb onto our awning that was out last night then onto the roof because we never heard him fall onto the roof. 

What a lovely day we had today. We slept in. It was definitely a two coffee morning. Breakfast/lunch was cooked outside on the grill. Bacon, eggs and toast! It was pretty easy with the griddle on one side of the grill and the grate on the other to toast the bread. The weather was perfect again. We stayed outside all day enjoying some music and our nice campsite. 

The rest of the day was pretty much spent doing nothing. Birding. Watched the wild mallard ducks eat and bathe all day. So cute seeing half with their butts up in the air as they foraged for food. Then splash water and then begin preening themselves. The loons on the other hand are a bit more elusive. Always out on the far side or in the deepest section of the lake. My view of them is best through the binoculars. I would so love to see one up close. Their calls are both eerie and beautiful. 

Today was a much needed day to rest and reset. We also had research to do to fill a few gaps on our calendar. Hopefully we won’t bore you all again tomorrow … it could be a repeat! 

Sunset: 7:54 pm

Sunrise: 6:20 am

Wildlife viewings:

Loons and Wild Mallards  

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