Wednesday, August 14, 2024

D106- 08/12/24 OH SNAP! WE ARE BACK!!



What a spectacular drive through the Yukon and into British Columbia. Our drive then continued back into ALASKA!! Yes. So we had another easy crossing. No line. No waiting. Two minutes and the U.S. Border Agent was done and we were back in the United States. She did ask for Jett’s CDC import certificate. Passed!! Jett even barked at her wanting attention. Of course she got it because the agent has a Labrador! Bonus for us!! 

The scenic byway continued! Just spectacular scenery. And what a different ever changing landscape around each winding turn! Wow. This could be voted by the Wymers as a close tie for #1 Scenic Drive in Alaska. 

Our final destination today? Haines, Alaska! What a beautiful quaint small town. Not super touristy. Love it. We made a few quick stops … one for a free fresh water fill at a gas station and the other to use the free town dump station a few blocks away. Then we proceeded through town and ten miles around the edge of the Lutak Inlet. Past the ferry landing, past Lutak and past the Chilkoot River Fish Weir to Chilkoot Lake State Recreation Site. Another amazing drive with some more spectacular views. 

Our campsite is beautiful. Located in a very heavily wooded area. Also a supposed heavy bear activity area. Why? For the salmon! They (sockeye salmon) have been running here over the past week. The Chilkoot River runs a short distance from the lake to the inlet. Many salmon, like Coho, Chum and Sockeye, return here throughout the year for their perspective seasonal runs. Meanwhile, a large congregation of eagles gather here, attracted by the abundant salmon. 

This will be the first time this trip with no internet connection. Elthree-37 (aka Dishy) cannot connect if she doesn’t have a clear opening to the sky. Not happening here. So we drove the ten miles back to town to get a cellular signal to at least send you all a quick message to let you know these posts will be delayed. 

So until we move, which may be a few days, we will have no internet. No cell service. No texting. No social media. No Starlink satellite access. 

Plan on having a two coffee day when these are available for posting! 

Sunset: No available data.

Sunrise: No available data.

Elevation: No available data.

Miles from home: 

No available data.

Wildlife viewings:


Baby Coyote? 

Brown Bears

Ground Squirrels

River Otter



Deer 🤣

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D142 - 09/17/24 DEADHORSE POINT

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