Sunday, August 11, 2024

D105 - 08/11/24 BACK IN CANADA!

Well nothing about today went as planned. First we woke up to rain that was not anticipated. Had some delicious freshly made avocado toast to get rid of it before our crossing. The road was bad but not as bad as we had expected. Driving 10-15 mph in most places. Luckily for us it was a light rain that kept the dust down but not enough for huge puddles to be created. 

Border crossing! Finished the last apple, I had cut this morning as our road snack, just in time. As we approached there were three campers a half dozen cars and a motorcycle ahead of us. We watched as a Border Agent searched a truck and cargo trailer off to the side. No one else ahead of us was being searched. We knew they would search us! As we approached the check point we handed over our passports. We were asked the usual questions. The guy commented that I was wearing the first toque (beanie hat) he had seen all summer. It was 46*F! Hah. He handed us our passports back and said have a nice day!! No search. And here we ate all that food! 

Thats the other thing. The weather. It was in the low forties when we woke up. Didn’t know it was going to get that cold last night. Our high temperature today was 72* during our drive and 53* when we landed for the day. Also areas out near Valdez and Anchorage received their first termination dust (snow) in the higher elevations. Crazy the pictures I have been seeing on social media from places we were just at a few days ago. Winter is chasing us south as we expected. 

Our planned destination was just south of Destruction Bay on Kluane Lake. Kluane lake is a massive, icy beautiful lake. However there was a dust storm. A section of the lake on the southern end where Slims River (a glacier river) once flowed into Kluane Lake is now dry. So when the wind blows hard the dust storm begins from the dry river bed. Had to drive right through it. And our expected stop was on the edge of the dust storm so we moved on. 

Our fuel stop was then in Hanes Junction. After fueling we continued driving and now have our basecamp in Kathleen Lake Campground in the Yukon. This is a Canadian National Park called Kluane Lake National Park and Reserve. Beautiful here! 

At the days end with all our stops. Checking out

possible stops for the night. Turn arounds. Jett breaks. Fuel up. Our drive, door to door, was seven hours.  

Tomorrow should now be an easier drive than today! 

Sunset: 10:13 pm

Sunrise: 6:14 am

Elevation: 2,530’

Miles from home:

4,167 miles

Wildlife viewings:


Grizzly Bears

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D142 - 09/17/24 DEADHORSE POINT

Last night at the museum we had rain off and on throughout the night and very strong winds. Other than that it was a very quiet night. Oh an...