Friday, August 9, 2024

D102- 08/08/24 TIME IN A BOTTLE


If I could save time in a bottle

The first thing that I'd like to do

Is to save every day

'Til eternity passes away …

But there never seems to be enough time

To do the things you want to do

Once you find them … 

I've looked around enough to know … 

If I had a box just for wishes

And dreams that had never come true

The box would be empty

Except for the memory …

(Jim Croce - TIME IN A BOTTLE)

Sweet lyrics to a song. Beautiful words. Amazing memories that Tim and I have created here in Alaska. How do I stop time and save it in a bottle? Great question. I’m trying very hard not to depart from Alaska but winter will be chasing us out very soon. Today we noticed leaf peeping near Tok on some of the aspens. It’s August y’all!! 

As much as we have tried to delay a day or two before crossing back into Canada here we are … a few days earlier than expected. This Epic Adventure has come full circle! We could not have landed in any better place for this moment in time. 

Our day brought us up the Glenn Highway and back to Tok. The road not as bad as anticipated. First we topped off on fuel. Then grabbed a few things from the local grocery. As I went in the grocery store our SC friends found us! When I came out of the grocery … wait … that’s not their Airstream. Someone else has come by to say hello! North Carolina!! Tim keeps picking people up off the street! LOL 

Tim and I wanted to hit a boondocking spot just outside of town. We drove by but were not feeling it. Between bugs and traffic we moved on. The next spot was not so great for a quiet night either, right next to the busy highway. As we were about to turn back on the highway towards Tok our SC friends found us again! They continued to moved on towards the Canadian Border. We headed back towards Tok. 

Our final destination … Moon Lake! Just the other side of Tok. We stayed here previously. Two months ago and on my birthday! Nice to have the familiar grounds of this lovely park! We were able to park in our same campsite as last time. Jett got to swim today. We then had a lovely campfire. Perfect end to a day to make us want to stay longer and not return to the lower 48. Ugh. 

During our time here we will be able to consume a few fresh foods and vegetables before crossing the border into Canada. Also we can begin our online paperwork and registration to get Jett back into the U.S.  The CDC has implemented a few new regulations since our departure so we will see how this progresses. Fingers crossed!! 



Sunset: 10:05 pm

Sunrise: 5:14 am

Elevation: 1,530’ 

Miles from home: 

4,410 miles

Miles driven: 

8,713.0 miles

Wildlife viewings:




Black Bear

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