Wednesday, August 28, 2024

D121 - 08/27/24 PRINCE GEORGE

With Alaska still tugging at our hearts our journey continued farther away from it today. At least it was an easy drive. We stayed on Yellowhead Highway (16) the entire time. I took the lead driving all day. Good experience driving through a few parking lots! 

One town that we passed through today was Houston. There on display is the largest fly rod in Canada. It’s constructed entirely of aluminum and anodized bronze to simulate graphite. It is 60 feet long and weighs approximately 800 pounds. The reel has a diameter of 36 inches. 

The fly is a fluorescent orange "Skykomish Sunrise" and is 21 inches long, tied on a bright 5/8" floating line of hollow plastic with a tapered leader (weed-eater cord and 300 test tip). A nail knot and a blood knot are used on the rod. Those who fly fish will understand these knots and terminology. Very interesting to see! 

Basecamp for the evening is another Canadian Tire. This one is in Prince George, British Columbia. Wow! This has to be the largest one yet that we have ever seen. So much merchandise. Anything from tires, to auto parts, to dishes, cookware, paint, hunting equipment, Halloween decorations and outdoor gear. Plus so much more! 

Three things stood out to me in this store. And these three things you would not find in a store in Florida. Snow camouflage hunting attire, hockey sticks and ice skates. And so many!! 

Jett took a stroll with us to Pet Land to buy a small bag of dog food to get us back into the states. I don’t understand how they can afford to feed their pets here. Jett did great in the store until she saw the beautiful black bunny. I couldn’t get a picture of him but did get one of the adorable guinea pig. 

For dinner Tim and I had a delicious fresh green salad that I made along with some re-heated leftovers from last night. While our Airstream New Hampshire

friends walked to A&W Canada for dinner. Later in the evening we all walked to the Dairy Queen for dessert. It’s nice having everything walking distance from our Airstream and realizing how quickly we melted back into civilization. 

Tomorrow morning will be a first for us. Tim and I will go to Tim Hortons for breakfast. It will be another quick walk through the parking lot. It’s also known as Timmies and is a Canadian coffeehouse restaurant chain. They serve coffee, donuts, sandwiches, breakfast egg muffins and other fast-food items. I hear it’s delicious! 

Sunset: 8:11 pm

Sunrise: 6:13 am

Elevation: 2,180’

Miles from home: 

3,236 miles

Miles driven:

10,868.5 miles

Wildlife viewings:

I got nothing! 🥲

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D142 - 09/17/24 DEADHORSE POINT

Last night at the museum we had rain off and on throughout the night and very strong winds. Other than that it was a very quiet night. Oh an...