Saturday, August 10, 2024

D103 - 08/09/24 THE SKOOLIES ARE HERE!

Well I can honestly say the day got away from us! The one thing that I was able to accomplish was getting Jett’s CDC paperwork completed. When this all started there was so much information needed including her chip number, manufacture of her rabies shot and a full body profile picture. So did they request any of this information? No. 

I had all her information ready. It took less than two minutes to complete the CDC Dog Import form. And I immediately had the import form receipt. Easy. Peasy. So many people have stressed over this and I can’t blame them. There was also a lot of false information out there as well. Just thankful that they reduced the requirements. 

Yesterday I had sent a message to our Skoolie friends who we knew were in Tok. I wanted to let them know that we were back in town. This morning I had received a message from them that they were stopping by Moon Lake for a visit to see us on their way out of town. 

We met the skoolies back in June not long after we entered Alaska. They fulltime in their bus and were at the rock bank boondocking location we stayed at on the river with the fire service helicopter. Then we met up and spent the day at the car launch event with them on the 4th of July. 

Awesomeness! But the best surprise today was that when they arrived we found out they were spending the night here! Yay. We spent all day together. I don’t think I ever left our campsite. What an enjoyable day. Catching up. Getting to know them better. Had a few adult beverages. Enjoyed a lovely campfire all evening and late into the night. Here is what they have turned us onto this evening … roasting Twinkies over the campfire! Oh yeah!!!

Their dog Reba had fun with Jett. She would sneak a stick away from Jett when she wasn’t looking. And is quite a cutie! Love her! I think it did us all a world of good to just sit still and relax without any other distractions for a day. 

The Northern Lights were supposed to be visible too! We kept an eye out for them. But with a heavy cloud coverage saw nothing. Did see some stars! Haven’t seen those in months. Will try to take a peak again outside just to double check before we hit the sack. 

Dinner: Snacks!

Sunset: 10:02 pm

Sunrise: 5:17 am

Wildlife viewings:

Ducks in Moon Lake!

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D142 - 09/17/24 DEADHORSE POINT

Last night at the museum we had rain off and on throughout the night and very strong winds. Other than that it was a very quiet night. Oh an...