Thursday, August 8, 2024


We awoke to rain and heavy fog this morning. Since the rain didn’t happen yesterday we figured it would today for sure. We were ready! It’s a travel day and best to be prepared for that in Alaska. Tim had hitched up the truck to the Airstream last night. Raincoats and Xtratuf boots had been staged inside the Airstream … we were ready. 

After our coffee this morning and by the time we stepped outside the rain had dwindled to a mist. Perfect. Tim then finished up outside for our departure. I in the meantime secured the interior and walked Jett. We were on a mission to find ‘water puppies’.

Jett knew right where to go! And I let her lead. Down the steep ramp and onto the lower docks. I had been told by a local on the dock that there were 3 to 4 sea

otters in the harbor. None were to be found this morning though. Jett might have been a bit disappointed. Hopefully we will find a few more opportunities on this Epic Adventure. 

Our drive took us back through the canyon and that most spectacular drive (rated #1 by the Wymers) on the Richardson Highway. After stops at three different state campgrounds and driving by half a dozen boondocking locations we finally landed in Tazlina on the Tazlina River. There are a few others boondocking here as well which for safety is a good thing. 

On a map I just traced the river back over towards Glacier View. It’s coming from the Tazlina Lake about fifty miles away. And because of the color of this water I knew it was glacier fed. Tazlina Lake is in fact glacier fed. Amazing. Again Mother Nature doing spectacular things. And this water is running very, very swift. 

It’s another travel day tomorrow. Not sure where we will land. It’s all depending on the weather. Both rain and heat now. 

Sunset: 10:07 pm

Sunrise: 5:28 am



Miles from home: 

4,537 miles

Wildlife viewings:


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