Sunday, August 11, 2024

D104 - 08/10/24 YARGER LAKE

Since we stayed up late last night the morning came way too early. The sun was out. Moon Lake looked gorgeous! Sleek and smooth as glass. Tim and I had settled in, to have a quiet day. Our company had departed. Miss them already! I was about to reserve another night at Moon Lake when I realized it didn’t make sense to stay there.

Then the frenzy began. Packing and getting ready to depart. We had everything packed and ready in about an hour. Then drove the short 18 miles back into Tok. Topped off fuel. Refilled a propane tank. Stopped at a souvenir store. Made another quick stop at grocery store for one item and we were then finally on our way. 

Our destination took us out the Alaskan Highway to Yarger Lake. This will be a one nightstand for this particular basecamp. It took three hours from the time we began packing until we landed here. That’s three hours we don’t have to worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a long, rough day. Saw more leaf peeping today! And just like that all the fireweed is gone. 

The last thirty minutes of our drive today the road got worse as we got closer to our destination. Pavement brakes. Frost heaves.  Washboard gravel and potholes you could lay down in. Today is the first I’ve seen a pothole dipped down like a long ditch (without a break in the pavement) on the center line. And it’s not the worst road we have been on yet. 

Tomorrow we have just over 200 miles to drive on the Alaskan Highway. This section has been tagged as the worst road we would drive in Alaska. Maps is telling us it will take four hours. Friends took this same route two days ago and it took them eight (8) hours from Tok. Glad we took those 50 miles off that today. 

Plus!!! We have a border crossing. Our best guess is that we are approximately one hour from the check station. Another set of friends said they got searched by the Canadian border agents there yesterday delaying them for one hour. Our evening has been spent today eating (LOL), re-packing and getting organized so that any search should be made easier for the agents. 

Now that all the good stuff is gone … eggs, fresh veggies and fruit. It’s time to call it a day!! 

The clouds are heavy again now. Probably a very slim chance of seeing the Northern Lights or the meteor shower. 

*NOTE: You can’t cross into Canada with firearms, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, raw chicken, eggs and a ton of other things. I say I’m confident that we are compliant but who knows if you don’t know about something. 



(we have a border crossing tomorrow) 

Sunset: 9:48 pm

Sunrise: 5:15 am

Elevation: 1,750’

Miles from home:

4,341 miles

Miles driven:

8,786.6 miles

Wildlife viewings:

More ducks!

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D142 - 09/17/24 DEADHORSE POINT

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