Sunday, August 25, 2024

D118 - 08/24/24 HYDER

Guess what? Surprise! We are back in Alaska!! Our drive down the Cassiar Highway following our Airstream New Hampshire friends to the Meziadin Junction was again an amazing drive. We then continued onto the Glacier Highway. Okay … this might tie with the other three top drives that the Wymers have voted as number one. Stunning scenery that also included a glacier … Bear Glacier. Wow. 

Today we came across several construction areas. Also a number of road/gravel breaks. One with probably a six inch drop. I wonder how many people launch off that everyday? Or how many people slam into it heading in the opposite direction? 

The highway eventually brought us into Stewart, British Columbia. Here we struck out on a few things. The gas station we were going to top off diesel at is closed on Saturday and Sunday. We were also going to get propane there. Not today! We were able to use the free dump station in town to get rid of our grey water, found the liquor store for some beer and then we got a few items at a small grocery store. Bonus! 

Next up was crossing out onto the southeastern panhandle of Alaska to Hyder. Hyder is a great spot for rarities as the furthest east community in Alaska and the furthest south community accessible from the road system in Southeast Alaska. It was our easiest border crossing yet as there is not one going into the U.S./Alaska.  However when we leave here and return into Canada we will have a border crossing to stop at. 

Basecamp for a few days will be at the Eagle Shadow Campground in Hyder. Glad we all decided to stay in Hyder. After we all got set up we then walked down the road to The Bus for Fish and Chips. We had almost an hour before they closed. On our arrival we found out that they had just closed ten minutes earlier. They go by Pacific time not Alaska time. Another strike out for the day! Ugh. 

Everyone then decided to fix a quick meal at their Airstreams and then we made a last minute decision to head out a few miles up the road to the Fish Creek Wildlife Observation Site. Why? For the salmon. Why? Because the bear are known to eat them there throughout the day. The salmon were everywhere!No bears were there on our arrival but before we knew it here came a large black bear down Fish Creek. Spectacular sight. Most everyone was very quiet observing the bear slowly walking towards us stopping to catch and eat fish along the way. What a fascinating experience. Loved watching this guy! He looked to be very full and healthy from his fishing all day. Adult male coastal bears can eat 80-90 pounds of food per day. He even ate berries from bushes right under us. It turned out to be a super exciting day of being able to check off another item on this Epic Adventure … watching a bear catch and eat salmon. Check! 

Sunset: 7:52 pm

Sunrise: 5:32 am

Elevation: 40’

Miles from home: 

3,668 miles

Miles driven:

10,378.7 miles 

Wildlife viewings:



River Otter


Stellar’s Jay

Blue Heron




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D142 - 09/17/24 DEADHORSE POINT

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