Monday, September 1, 2014

Are TEN too many?

Not Airstreams! Shoes that is! I've started thinking about what to take on our Southwest trip. I've been working on reducing the clutter and unnecessary weight inside the Airstream that has accumulated over the years. Beach gear, bathing suits and hot weather gack can be temporarily removed for this journey.

This then made me begin thinking about hiking and cold weather necessities to bring along. Maybe a space heater, gloves, scarves, heavy socks and an extra blanket or two. I've begun gathering the major stuff. Then I began to think about what shoes and how many to bring. With so many needed to bring I came up with the following list with reasons why to bring each pair.

1. Hikers - A must bring!
2. Tennis Shoes - For exercise & Hiker back-up.
3. Flip Flops - Can't leave home without them.
4. Water Shoes - You never know!
5. Cowboy Boots - Uh . . . duh . . . gotta!!! I'll be in the Cowboy Filming Capital of the world!
(But which pair of cowboy boots?)
6. LL Bean Rubber Boots - For those rainy, muddy days!
7. Flat Slip Ons - For relaxing shopping trips!
8. Timberland Rubber Slip Ons - For a quick get away on damp mornings!
9. Snow Boots - You never know?!
10. Heels - A girl needs these for a fun night out!

Uh ... maybe eleven! Do slippers count? I've been able to justify why I need to take each pair of shoes. Now to get Tim on the same page.

More questions I ask:

Will Tim allow me to take all of them?
Will I return from the trip with more or less pairs of shoes?
Where will all these shoes be stored over the course of our trip?

I purchased a few perfectly sized baskets for under the bench to store a few pairs.
I'll be flying out to Montana soon for a few days and will be blogging from there. Then Tim and I are Southwest bound! Stay tuned . . .

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great storage solution! May I ask were you bought the bins?



Today’s episode of our Epic Adventure takes us to Arches National Park. We departed early to go on into Moab prior to our timed entry slot. ...