Monday, July 29, 2024


Travel day! Before we departed I gathered (more) rocks and some (more) drift wood from the beach … shhh! These are the perfect rocks. And the best driftwood! Tim got a hoodie from Salty Dawg Saloon as soon as they opened. We also got to tell everyone at the campground goodbye again this morning. Until next year!??? Hah

The truck had some issues while towing right before we arrived in Homer Spit. While we were in Homer Spit the truck was fine not towing. Long story but after researching we think it has to do with the air conditioner. So we drove to our location today with the AC off and the truck was fine while towing. Don’t need AC up here anyway. More than likely we will not have it repaired until we either get back to the lower 48 or even until we return home. One Ford garage could not get us in until November. The other not until the end of next month. Ugh. 

Now we are heading back up the Kenai Peninsula. Beautiful to see this amazing scenery from the opposite direction. Landed at Quartz Creek in Cooper Landing. We were here two weeks ago but in a different site. The plan was to stay here 2-3 nights. However there was only one site available for one night. Tomorrow we hope a site will open for two more nights. Otherwise we will move on. There were hopes to try to fish here for some trout. 

The wildflowers and fireweed are still looking spectacular. Even in the rain. Wish we had some of these in Florida. After our weekly Sunday Family Zoom session we made dinner. What was for dinner now that we are away from all the restaurants on the Spit? Salmon!! Delicious salmon. We made a hearty Caesar salad then placed a grilled a piece of salmon on top of it. Yum. 

Should know by noon tomorrow if we move on or not. 

Sunset: 10:40 pm

Sunrise: 5:31 am

Elevation: 460’

Miles from home: 

4,812 miles

Wildlife viewings:



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