Wednesday, July 17, 2024

D79 - 07/16/24 RUSSIAN RIVER


Another moving day! There was more rainfall over night. Most of the morning … more rain … and then on and off throughout the rest of the day. Our night dry camping in the parking lot last night at Sportsman’s Landing wasn’t bad. We could hear a few of the fishermen coming in to launch their boats throughout the night and early morning. 

Today began a reservation for us that we got two days ago when someone canceled otherwise there’s no way we could get into this campground. They are booked solid for salmon fishing! We landed not far away to set up basecamp at Russian River Campground. AND you know you have the best campsite when the person checking us in was excited about our site and said it was his favorite. It really does have the best view in the entire campground. 

After discussions about what to next, now that we only have one fly rod for salmon fishing, Tim drove me over to Trout Fitters so that I could see Little John. Really for him to look at a new fly rod. Little John wasn’t in today but we still looked at new rods there. Then we went down the road a few miles to compare other options. Eventually we bought a low end fly rod/reel combo, from a kid named Fred, to get us by since a warranty replacement rod will take months to sort out. Fred gets a five star review for getting us back on the water to fish. I made sure to tell his boss man this as I had overheard Fred was 10 minutes late for work this morning. 

Afterwards we stopped at Two Brothers for some absolutely delicious pizza and cold local brew. Just what we needed to smooth over the broken fly rod and cost of a replacement. 

Once back at basecamp we did a walking scout to where we will fish this week. On foot it’s about a thirty minute walk through the woods and along boardwalks to get there. But we will hopefully be able to park halfway there when we actually go fishing. And this fish spot is in eye sight of the ferry downriver. 

Interesting how not everyone carries bear spray here. Tourons! This is the most highly populated area for bears that we have been in. Why? Because of the salmon. We could see a place along the boardwalk where something very large had laid down for a bit. Moose? Bear more likely? Several people we then passed asked us today if we had seen the bear by the river. No I replied. They were out looking for a bear that had recently been sighted. I then asked them if they had bear spray. No they replied. Good luck I said. 

We returned to basecamp. The weather was clearing some so we walked Jett. Two ladies that we passed chatted with us. They knew we were from Florida and they use to live in Ocala. At the end of our conversation they said be careful we have seen three bears today. I asked them if they had bear spray. Yes they replied … back at their campsite. Ugh. 

Right after talking to them as we along with Jett continued walking we got halfway around our camping loop when Tim spotted a grizzly ahead of us. It was possibly getting into garbage at an employee’s camp site/compound area. When the bear was finished with the garbage it began ripping the side off a building. 

We quickly headed back to basecamp, in the opposite direction, before the bear finished. Heads on swivels! 

Sunset: 11:08 pm

Sunrise: 5:04 am

Elevation: 420’

Miles from home: 

4,818 miles 

Wildlife viewings:



Grizzly Bear!

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