Thursday, July 18, 2024


This morning we drove by the bear crime scene. Appears that the park crew were in the process of making the door repair. The entire bottom half of the door was shredded … gone. And we have seen no more bears today. Phew! 

Our entire afternoon was spent fishing. It’s hard work you guys. Tim and I drove out as far as we could. We were able to park in the far lot. This cut our walk in half. Yes!! 

Next we got all geared up there in the parking lot. Rain coat. Hats. Waders. Fly rods. Extra pre-rigged flys. Water. We then walked down the steep stairs with numerous platforms and a switch back. Walked all the way on board walks out to the point where the Russian River and the Kenai River meet. Walked into the swift currents … I wasn’t going to tell on myself but I guess I will. No sooner was I in the swift current … I fell. I hadn’t even cast yet. I stepped on a big slimy rock and there was no recovery. I fell in front of people. I’m sure it was a graceful fall. I got wet. Embarrassing. 

Not complaining. I spent the rest of the day soaked and cold. The water is probably 48*. The air temperature was mid 50’s. Water got into my right sleeve. Water got into my waders. Down my legs and into the feet of the waders. We fished for five hours. It was raining on and off throughout the day. It was still a fun and memorable adventure on the river and a full day of trying to master this style of fishing. 

The afternoon was spent working a good bit of the rivers edge. A few people were catching and limiting out. Guessing it was the locals who know what they are doing. In the end Tim hooked a nice salmon. He lost it while bringing it in. I had one hit that did not hook. We then studied those more who were catching fish. Their technique is slightly different. We believe our flip is good. And we now think that we had many more ‘hits’ (flossings) so to speak but our flossing technique needs tweaking in order to hook and land these sockeye salmons. Back to YouTube University this evening! 

If the weather doesn’t get any worse we should still be able to get back out on the river tomorrow. 

Here fishy, fishy!! 

Sunset: 11:06 pm

Sunrise: 5:06 am

Wildlife viewings:



Salmon (caught by others)

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