Saturday, July 20, 2024

D82 - 07/19/24 STERLING

Tim and I had a busy day! Wish we could have stayed at our campsite at Russian River that stunning view was hard to leave. But it was a moving day and our reservation had run out. The sun was coming out too. Soooo nice! Time to move on. We had three places in mind to try to get into. These are Alaska State Parks that do not take reservations … basically first come first serve. No hook-ups. At the last minute we decided to try the farthest one first then backtrack if needed. 

Boy did we luck out! Morgan’s Landing was the perfect choice. There were probably four sites available out of 51 campsites. It was full not long after our arrival. And we saw a couple, a few sites away from us, that we met all the way back in May at Banff in Alberta Canada! We have been following each other on Instagram. So we were aware they were here. I absolutely love their dog Hank and will try to sneak a picture of him over the next few days. 

After we got settled, did I mention the sun is out, Tim and I took off to Soldotna. Our food was getting really low. The Russian flies were getting low as well. We needed a bigger fishing net. Needed fuel. I lost count of the stores we went into!

I will try my hardest over the next few weeks to get pictures of the breathtaking and absolutely stunning scenery that we saw today. While out shopping, across the way, we could see the magnificent mountains all the way on the other side of Cook Inlet. Right here in this campground by the trail head leading down to the fishing stations you can see  the beautiful mountains at Kenai Fjords National Park. All snow capped. Wow! And double wow!! I had no idea we could see that from here. 

Tomorrow we will fish on the Kenai River. This campground is located right on it. Late this evening after dinner (Egg Roll Bowl) Tim and I scouted the river front. It’s about 3/4 of a mile from our campsite with a portion at a 7% grade. Easier and a shorter walk than all those stairs and boardwalks at Russian River. AND the bear activity is not as prevalent here. Phew! 

So we will see how we do fishing here. The river is much wider. Current is not as strong. We think this weekend will be the peak of this salmon run. The towns all around Alaska are in a frenzy with both locals and tourists heading out to fish here in the peninsula. The crowds and traffic were crazy when we went into Soldotna. In our scout of the river we witnessed many people hitting their limits of six salmon each. It had been three until recently. Saw couples that it took both of them to haul their fish in a net to their vehicles. Tim and I enjoyed watching people hook and land these fighters. We literally saw the salmon rolling in the water. Our friend said they were bumping into his legs when he was fishing here this morning. 

Did I mention the sun was out today? We haven’t seen it for weeks it seems. It was nice to open windows and try to dry this rig and all our gear out. And the temperatures have been in the mid to low 50’s for us too. It was 72* today! Heat wave!!

Wish us luck (again).

Here fishy, fishy! 

Sunset: 11:05 pm

Sunrise: 5:14 am

Elevation: 210’ 

Miles from home: 

4,856 miles

Miles driven:

7,443.5 miles

Wildlife viewings:


Salmon (caught by others)

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D140 - 09/15/24 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO

Travel day! Not much excitement except for one brief moment in time. I spotted a herd of elk migrating across a field. There were probably 3...