Sunday, July 14, 2024

D76 - 07/13/24 CRESCENT CREEK

Rain! It rained most of the night and most of the morning. So with that said we slowed the roll. Our day was then spent doing some more scouting with the intention to fish in the afternoon if the rain let up. 

First we drove out the backroad that our campground is on, taking Jett with us, to Crescent Creek. Taking what side roads we could along the way.  Beautiful drive! We found some boondocking locations, hiking trails, lake access, creek fishing access and a campground. 

When we finally arrived back to our basecamp we left Jett in the Airstream to take off on foot. Thinking we would be gone for a short scout we were gone for over two and a half hours. Tim and I scouted a few locations within the campground out to the creek. Then on the road and bridge just outside the campground. Eventually we found our way back into the campground and then out to the lakeshore. We were looking for the point that Quartz Creek drains into Kenai Lake. What a hike! So glad we had our XtraTuf boots on or else we would not have made it as far as we did. Any farther and we would have needed our waders. 

Our hiking adventure took us through forest, open shore line, mud, water to just below our knees and into six foot high brush in the marsh along the lake shore. Just stunning views of the snowy mountains and gorgeous blue lake. We even saw some salmon in the creek. The location that we are, we CANNOT fish for salmon here. Regulations keep us from that. We can however fish here for Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden. The salmon fishing will wait until next week! 

Once back to the Airstream we realized we didn’t have time to go back out to fish. So we gathered all our gear. Tried on our waders with our new wading boots. Made sure we had everything ready! 

Our plan for tomorrow is to drive out and hit one location that we found in the morning. Then come back to have lunch and tend to Ms. Jett. Eventually hitting a second location in the afternoon on foot departing from basecamp. More than likely it will still be raining but as long as there are no thunderstorms in the area we will be fine and prepared for those conditions. 

Hopefully we have fish for dinner tomorrow! 

Sunset: 11:12 pm

Sunrise: 4:57 am

Wildlife viewings:




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D140 - 09/15/24 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO

Travel day! Not much excitement except for one brief moment in time. I spotted a herd of elk migrating across a field. There were probably 3...