Monday, July 1, 2024

D63 - 06/30/24 DENALI STATE PARK!!

Prior to completely departing this great National Park we had to make a pit stop at the dump station. The people ya meet at the dump station! Fellow Airstream’rs! Locals from Anchorage!! Thank you for all the great information. Nice meeting you both! 

Our travel today then took us about two hours south of the Denali National Park entrance. Guess what?? We saw it again. DENALI. From the south. This is the view every knows and where you can see more of the mountain. And the views that we saw today were crystal clear and stunning!! Definitely the centerpiece of the 700-mile-long Alaska Range. Denali now sits about forty-one miles from us in these photos. 

We have landed and set up our basecamp in Denali STATE Park at the K’esugi Ken Campground. Fancy! We have power here!! This is a super nice place. Rarely do you see a five star rating at a campground. The campsites are so neatly done with nicely manicured lawns at each site. 

The moment we arrived the campground host warned us of a moose cow hanging out here. She could have even said at our site. I had Jett. She was talking. Tim was on the walkie talking at the same time. Not five minutes later here the cow moose comes walking right down the middle of the road followed by an RV. 

Our main door was open, as the weather has been amazing, and the screen door was closed. I was still setting up. Tim stepped inside, closed the screen door back behind him about the time Jett saw her and started barking. This spooked the moose who started to run into the campsite across from us. That guy was outside and had his two big dogs on long cables. Those dogs were now fiercely barking at the moose while the guy was probably saying ’Oh sh$t!’. The dogs then scared the moose back onto the road and out of sight. The dog cables had been wrapped around items in his site so stuff was flying as the dogs were lunging at the moose. Pure chaos for about 30 seconds. And Jett had started it all from inside the Airstream. 

Afterwards both our South Carolina Airstream friends were texting to check on us as a wildfire had started south of Healy and just one mile north of the Denali National Park entrance. Local fire services responding include the Alaska Division of Forestry & Fire Protection, Tri-Valley Volunteer Fire Department and the McKinley Village Volunteer Fire Department. They have smokejumpers and aircraft responding. The fire is spreading and hopefully they can get it under control soon. We will continue to closely monitor this situation. 

Before the rain began we were able to get Jett out for a nice hike on a few of the trails. Nice that they allow dogs on trail here. But scary too! Most places we cannot walk her on trail (for safety) and have to stay within the campground. Tim walked ahead of Jett and I. Both of us with our heads on a swivel. Had to pick up the pace towards the end as the drops of rain began to fall. 

Tomorrow will be a day to explore some more trails here and maybe checkout a local town. 

Sunset: 12:00 am

Sunrise: 4:10 am

Elevation: 900’

Miles from home: 

4,791 miles

Miles driven: 

6,466.8 miles

Wildlife viewings:

Moose 🫎

Duck 🦆 

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