Tuesday, July 9, 2024

D71 - 07/08/24 JETT TO THE VET

Jett was given the morning to rest. She hasn’t gotten sick since late last night but she hasn’t eaten either. So we drove back towards Anchorage until we reached cellular service. Our first call was to Jett’s vet back in Florida. They definitely suggested we get her to a veterinary facility here in Alaska. We then called at least a dozen veterinarians with no luck. No available appointments today or anytime soon. 

There are however two maybe three emergency vets in town. One wasn’t open. The other had already booked all of their appointments for the day and lastly, PET EmERgency, which is open 24/7. We could get in but would have to wait … hours. They see patients in the order of severity. This is the only 24/7 emergency vet in the state of Alaska. 

After spending over four hours in the parking lot waiting we were able to get Jett seen by a vet. Then another two and a half hours in the back. Long story short after x-rays and blood work we departed the ER with Jett. She has no temperature. Not dehydrated. No blockage that they could currently tell. Only one high level on her blood work but that showed up back in April and could be just from age. So right now best they can say is she got sick from either something she grabbed off the ground or the treat she received from a fellow camper. 

Jett received an anti nausea medication by IV there and we were also given these meds to bring home with her. Additionally we were able to get other meds just incase things come out the other end. Cha-Ching!! $$$$$

This was not an emergency yet but would have become one had we not gotten her treatment. Tim and I were lucky in that we could leave there today with our much loved furry pet family member. We did see a handful of other people who sadly did not. I could not do that job. 

As soon as we left we found a McDonald’s that was open. Fast food! That’s been forever since we have had that. Then drove the hour back to basecamp. We have since fed Jett a light and small amount of bland food. It’s now after midnight. Now we wait. 

Updates tomorrow! 

Today’s landscape pictures were taken after 10pm on our way back to basecamp! 

*Special note: It almost got dark last night! 

Sunset: 11:28 pm

Sunrise: 4:41 am

Wildlife viewings:


Swan & her cygnets 


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