Wednesday, July 3, 2024

D65 - 07/02/24 WASILLA, ALASKA

Our early departure from K’esugi Ken Campground was an easy one. Last night we had taken care of as much as we could so that we could leave right after coffee this morning. 

Driving to Wasilla was easy. We had a number of stops to make there and wanted to get through them as quickly as possible. First up was Fred Meyers. Never been to one. What a store! Loved it. The parking lot was a bit crazy though but I managed to drive around behind the store towing the Airstream (no through traffic…oops) and back around to the front. Dodging cruise line buses, other RVs and semi-trailer trucks. By the time I got back to the front there was a place to park. 

Tim stayed with Jett and the Airstream. I went in to re-supply on a few needed groceries. The prices were a bit more reasonable and I finally got some coffee creamer! Oreos for Tim! Biscottis for us!! The store seemed like a combination of a clothing store on the left. Grocery in the middle. And then the right side was a mix of a Home Goods and sporting goods store. Much neater and better organized than other large combo box stores. 

Next up Tim drove because he had to move our rig while I was shopping. People were parking and beginning to block us in. He got us over to PETCO for some Jett supplies. Our next stop was Sportsman Warehouse. Jett was able to shop too! When we came out some local had parked right in front of us. The couple were still in their truck. Come to find out they were waiting on us! They saw our Kissimmee Fire Department tag and use to live there. Nice meeting you both. Thanks for stalking us and for the follow!! 

And finally a fuel stop. Anyone want to guess what has been our most expensive price paid for a gallon of diesel fuel on our Epic Adventure? And where that was? Big mistake stopping at this Fred Meyer Fuel stop. There was a Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop next door. Bigger mistake that I went in. Came out with not only doughnuts but also Frappuccino’s. Gotta treat yourself every once in a while! 

Tonight we are at a small city campground in Wasilla. It’s had some neglect but will work. Not long after we arrived a moose ran through the campground. Yes. Really! We made sure you know who didn’t see her. Guess it missed Jett. LOL 

There’s an interesting group camping near us. The kids swing all their baby dolls from the necks on the top bar of the swing set. The 10 year old weed eats their campsite at 9pm and the 12 year old moved the fire pit onto the campsite driveway and starts a fire there. Then they set the tent up next to the fire pit. Five kids. That mama is busy. They are all having a great time! Thats what matters. Being outdoors and making memories. 

Tomorrow brings us to another moving day! 

Sunset: 11:40 pm

Sunrise: 4:24 am

Elevation: 330’

Miles from home: 

4,681 miles

Miles driven: 

6,671.9 miles

Wildlife viewings:


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D140 - 09/15/24 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO

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