Friday, July 19, 2024

D81 - 07/18/24 IN SEARCH OF SALMON


Tim and I started today just like yesterday … in the rain.  Drove out to the parking lot. Geared up there.  Walked the mile down to the river and out the boardwalks. When we got to the small river crossing I took it easy this time and didn’t fall. That alone was a blessing. 

Then we went up the steep embankment of the Russian River and followed the Anglers Trail all the way down to the area across from the Sportsman’s Landing Russian River Ferry. We stopped and fished around river entrance #D for a while and after feeding a few Russian Flies to the rocks we moved on. 

River entrance number two was our next stop. Yesterday we watched a local literally get his limit here in less that thirty minutes. By now Tim and I were much more confident in what we were doing. I had adjusted my weights, the amount of line that I was flipping and also my distance to the water color change. 

Thinking today could be our last day fishing here I made sure to take a few moments to absorb my surroundings. Looking at the beautiful mountains all around me. Viewing the mighty currents of the confluence of the Russian and Kenai Rivers that are so beautiful and distinctly Alaskan. It was definitely a stunning sight. One I will remember. 

A few things that Tim and I noticed were that no eagles were hanging out today. And it seemed that less people were catching fish. Interesting observation we thought. Not long after we stopped at our second location Tim got one on! He lost it on the rivers edge. Then I got one on!! Same for me. I got it all the way in the edge of the river and it got away! 

After all was said and done for the day I had hooked three and Tim two. All lost back to the river. But wow! What excitement we had!! 

Those of you who know my puzzles, I think I have another photo from today that is puzzle worthy!! 

Sunset: 11:04 pm

Sunrise: 5:09 am

Wildlife viewings:


Northern Pintail Duck

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