Monday, July 15, 2024

D77 - 07/14/24 MEATBALLS???

Today may not have turned out as I had planned but still what an amazing day. As I say quite often it doesn’t matter if you have a bad day fishing. It’s still better than a good day at work. 

As planned we headed out to Crescent Creek to fly fish for rainbow trout. The rain had finally let up this morning and we could see beautiful blue skies in the distance. Tim and I landed near the creek. Got all geared up at the truck. Not only do we need to have all of our tackle on us but need other support  items as well, and how to carry these  on you, like bear spray, drinking water and a filet knife. Also in our arsenal are walkies just incase we get separated. We hear the bears here know the sound of a fishing line when a fish gets hooked and will come

for it. You need to be ready to cut your line if necessary. 

Once geared up we headed into the woods to the creek. Keeping our heads on a swivel and noticing the fresh bedding spots from a moose along the way. This fishing spot that we reached was surrounded by mountains and oh so beautiful. 

This was my first time in fishing waders. Definitely a learning curve. I felt the freedom to go into the river. Once you get out into the strong currents, you really need to pay attention and not go any farther than what you’re comfortable with. You can go down very easily. I must admit I fell once. Had watched videos that said ‘you will fall’ and I did. But next to the bank when my wading boot got stuck in deep mud. Tim had to come help me out and said if it wasn’t caught on film it didn’t happen. Hah.  

After an hour or so walking/fishing the river with no sign of any fish we decided to move on. 

The sun was now shining and blue skies overhead.  Our next location was just up the road at the small bridge. Another gorgeous spot! Here Tim and I separated a little and of course Tim caught a small rainbow trout. Even though he was legal size we decided to put him back. 

Time was flying (LOL) so now we needed to get back to the Airstream to check on Ms. Jett, have lunch and reassess where we would go next. And who did we find at the campground a half dozen sites away from us on our way in? One of the Airstream South Carolina couples! So fun to be with them again!! 

Once we ate, we talked to our friends and then a local camping neighbor from Anchor Point here in Alaska and then another Airstream’r that stopped by. Eventually we took off on foot to fish on the far side of this park. The wind had really picked up with white caps on the lake now. Tim and I decided to start fly fishing on the upper portion of the creek here to hopefully stay out of the wind. Good choice! 

Quartz Creek was fun to fish.  Of course we separated and fished sections on our own. We both had special moments in time. While fishing in the middle of the creek on shallow rock bars we each had salmon swimming around us. What a beautiful and sad experience to have all at the same time. Knowing these beautiful creatures are spawning. Swimming upstream to the end of their lives. Mother Nature at work. 

Although we didn’t have trout for dinner it was still a memorable day! Finally back at basecamp Tim took care of wet gear and tackle while I made meatballs for dinner. Good times! 

Sunset: 11:10 pm

Sunrise: 4:59 am

Wildlife viewings:



Rainbow Trout 

Sockeye Salmon 

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