Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Spectacular day! Not only did we see Denali once but twice today. About three and a half hours apart. How lucky are we? And we had left the Nikon at the Airstream. Ugh. 

Denali Park Road is 92 miles in length. Visitors are only allowed to drive to Mile 15 unless you have a permit and camping reservations. Our campground is at Mile 29.1. The Pretty Rocks section of the road at Mile 45.4 is where an unstable section of road has been.  Over the years it has continually slid down the steep mountain side.  In August of 2021 the road was so unstable it had to be closed until a solution could be made. Work is now in progress to build a bridge there and hopefully it will re-open in Summer of 2025. 

There are a number of buses that transport guests through the park. Buses take visitors into the Park on tours, day trips, and camping excursions. Free buses run in Denali Park (village), Riley Creek and to Savage River at Mile 15. The Tek Bus drives guests all the way to Mile 43. This is the turning point for the buses prior to the Pretty Rock Landslide. Then there are Park Tour Buses that feature a trained naturalist who both drives the bus and narrates during the trip.

We had purchased Tek Passes and took the Tek Bus today right from our campground all the way out as far as they are allowed to drive at Mile 43, turning around at the East Fork Bridge. We saw a band of  Dall Sheep on the way out. Then right before we reached the turning point/drop off there it was. Denali! Standing strong and majestic all 20,310’ of it. The driver couldn’t believe we were seeing it as his last pass it was socked in the clouds. We were viewing the north side of Denali from within the park. Over 600,000 people visit Denali National Park in Alaska each year, but only about 30% of them are able to see the mountain. We were so lucky today! The farther into Denali National Park you travel the more stunning the scenery! 

After we were dropped off at Mile 43 we spoke to a couple of the rangers stationed there. Then we began our hike. Our decision was to hike the East Fork River bed here. The terrain was similar to what we did yesterday. We hiked a little then found a spot right in the middle of the river to have our lunch that I had packed. Perfect setting! We then continued hiking out the ribbons of the river bed almost to the landslide. We had a bus to catch so had to turn around and get back. On the return bus ride there it was again! Denali. Visible!! Then immediately after Denali we saw a grizzly bear up in a meadow. Then a few miles more a young Dall Sheep. What a spectacular day! 

Sunset: 12:22 am

Sunrise: 3:41 am

Wildlife viewings:

Dall Sheep

Grizzly Bear

Raven Family & Nest

Wolf Track

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