Sunday, June 16, 2024


What a great and delicious breakfast with coffee and orange juice! Even a double yoke!! It should have been yesterday but not enough time on a travel day. I spiked Tim’s orange juice with blueberry vodka. Hah. He didn’t even notice. I had to tell him. 

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day. Hopefully a turn in the weather. We let Jett swim in Moon Lake! Then my mistake … once back at the Airstream she began walking back to the lake … I allowed her. Then on every return she kept trying to go back. I allowed her. Bad move. Best day ever for her! Finally we had to put her in the Airstream. She did not want to stop swimming and with no grass nearby she insisted on rolling in the gravel. Now she is slightly limping. Poor girl. I think she over did it. 

The lake was the perfect setting to check out one of our new fly rods this afternoon. The chances of catching anything we knew was slim. There’s no chatter about big catches on this lake and no locals were here fishing. And we had no luck here. Still a great feeling just to get a line wet. 

Off to the next location tomorrow! 

Sunset: 11:50 pm

Sunrise: 3:19 am

Wildlife viewings:


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