Monday, June 10, 2024

D42 - 06/09/24 A L A S K A !!!


Super exciting day! Spent the morning getting ready to cross the border into Alaska and for the long drive on the Top of the World Highway to Chicken, Alaska. 

Got both our passports together, all our additional documents, Jett’s papers and even covered the exterior of all the windows on just the drivers side of the Airstream. This will hopefully provide some protection for them as the roads ahead get rougher. Got rid of all our fresh veggies and ate our last apple before the border crossing! 

Our drive to Chicken started on the Top of the World Highway. It’s all gravel with a few short sections of pavement. Eventually it merges onto the Taylor Highway. Driving over mountain peaks and viewing spectacular scenery as far as one could possibly see. The 108 mile, two hour and fourteen minute drive on a gravel road from Dawson City, Yukon to Chicken, Alaska today took us three hours and forty-five minutes. Dodged potholes and slowed for the washouts and washboard sections. When passing other vehicles they don’t slow down, gravel flies, glad we covered our windows. It was a rough road but oh so spectacular! Everything inside the Airstream is still intact. There is dust and dirt everywhere inside both the truck and Airstream. 

After all that concern over the fresh fruits and vegetables, here are the two questions that the border agent asked. Do you have any firewood? When did you cross into Canada? Handed us our passports back.  Had a short conversation about him being from Florida and he sent us on our way! Can’t believe we are finally here in ALASKA.

Current situation: 

Wild Camping behind the Chicken Creek Saloon in Chicken, Alaska. What we love about this place is that we felt right at home as soon as we arrived. The saloon is by far my new favorite place! Love the cafe here too!! The bartender is amazing! Also met a young couple from St. Augustine, Florida full timing in their RV and a lovely lady who roams free from Texas/Arizona. She is here for Chickenstock Music Festival that takes place here later in the week. 

The Chicken Creek Saloon has no power and no cell service. The property is run off solar and a generator. They have a gift shop, a liquor store (really just a door to walk up to), the saloon and the cafe. What else do you need? 

Still need to finish up our drivers meeting this evening to decide what to do tomorrow! 

Sunset: 11:50 pm

Sunrise: 3:04 am

Elevation: 1,680’

Miles from home: 

4,454 miles

Miles driven: 5,767.2

Wildlife viewings:

Chicken (lol)


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