Saturday, June 15, 2024

D47 - 06/14/24 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (to me)

Well I guess three out of four isn’t bad. So here are the four things from yesterday that I anticipated happening: 

1 - Yes! It’s my birthday!! Happy Flag Day! It turned out to be a fun filled, fabulous day! Over the past few years as the plans came together for our Epic Adventure the one thing that I wanted to be sure of was to physically be in Alaska today! Made it!!

2 - The Airstream got washed today. It looks so much better! We both tag teamed it and I finally wore my Alaskan slippers in the mud at the wash station. Love them! I probably should have already been wearing them but figured I’d wait to be here. My poor LL Bean Duck Boots have been getting a work out though. My tennis shoes … well I probably should not have worn them in the mud and rain the other day. 

3 - We departed from Tok this morning and moved to the wonderful and beautiful state recreation site named Moon Lake. Who wouldn’t want to stay here? This is the location that we scouted yesterday. And we saw the moon this evening in the bright sky when we took Jett for her evening walk. The shape of the lake resembles the beautiful curve of the waxing moon in an oxbow formation and this lake use to be a bend/part of the Tanana River. The meandering channel was over time cut off from the main river channel. 

4 - Fishing! I really, really wanted to go fly fishing today on my birthday. We both got our Alaska fishing licenses online last night. We were ready! Got here. Got the Airstream setup. Had lunch. Took a lovely walk to checked out the park again and scope out fishing sites. Then as we were sitting outside, the now shiny Airstream, planning our set-up to fish the clouds rolled in followed by thunder and then rain. Ugh. Tomorrow. 

Maybe I should have said five things would happen today! One fun thing I love to make happen on my birthday is, and I have missed a few, to have hot dogs and champagne in the Airstream. And that is how my amazing birthday ended today in Alaska! 🎣🇺🇸

Sunset: 11:49 pm

Sunrise: 3:20 am

Elevation: 1,530’

Miles from home: 

4,410 miles

Wildlife viewings:

0 - 🥲

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D142 - 09/17/24 DEADHORSE POINT

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