Thursday, June 13, 2024

D45 - 06/12/24 TOK, ALASAK

We have found people! About 1,300 of them. So many compared to just the 12 in Chicken. The roads continued to improve, even in the rain, on our way to Tok, Alaska. Finally pavement. Pavement with a center line. Definitely the best we have seen in a week. Passed the most vehicles and RVs heading back the other way for the Chickenstock Music Festival. Wish we had tickets. Seems like recently you could go an hour before seeing another vehicle. 

The landscape had definitely changed again. We were practically driving in clouds. It was so very beautiful and serene. Then it turned into possibly fog. Either way a gorgeous easy drive of about sixty miles. 

Dressed for 60* today! On our drive it had dropped to 46* and was 48* when we landed in our campsite. On our way in town we made a stop at a local garage figuring we could pay a local small business to change the oil instead of paying a big dealership in Fairbanks. The guy can do it! Tomorrow after 9 am. BUT we have to go to NAPA to purchase the oil and the oil filter ourselves and he will just charge labor. I know!? But hey we are going to do it. Could do it ourselves but don’t have a drain pan or means to dispose of used oil. 

Once disconnected and settled into our campsite, at the Sourdough Campground, we took off to purchase the oil and oil filter at NAPA. Then across the street we went to Fast Eddy’s for a special treat of pizza and beer. It was good! We tried the Growling Grizzly pizza and some frosty cold 49th State Brewing beer. Hit the spot! 

Then late this evening is when the entertainment began at the campground pavilion! At 7:30pm everyone gathers for the famous sourdough pancake toss! You get two tries. If you get one in the bucket you win $10 bucks off towards breakfast in the morning. Out of all these people I won! And an adorable little boy won! It was definitely entertaining watching everyone toss pancakes! Funnest campground in Alaska!! 


Sunset: 11:43 pm 

Sunrise: 3:20 am

Elevation: 1,670’

Miles from home: 

4,398 miles

Miles driven: 5,847.6

Wildlife viewings:

0 - just birds & squirrels!

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D142 - 09/17/24 DEADHORSE POINT

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