I can not believe it but I must tell. During the many, many years that I have lived in Florida I have never, ever been to Sanibel. So there it is ... my confession!

Several months back I decided to meet-up again with my group Sisters On The Fly. SOTF holds hundreds of events throughout the year, with vintage trailers, all over the U.S. Most events are no Misters, no dogs and definitely no kids. It allows for the group to focus on the event and to enjoy the time away. This event was titled Sisters & Seashells. I decided to go for several reasons ... first like I said I’ve never been, there are no dogs allowed at this campground due to a bird sanctuary there and lets face it Tim won’t just drive me the 3 1/2 hours one way just to go look at seashells on the seashore. So my thoughts were this might be my only chance to camp at Periwinkle in Sanibel.

As my luck would have it work began to interfere. My last day of this shoot was the first day I was to be in Sanibel. Tim was kind enough to offer to tow the Airstream down there, drop it and come back so that I could go down early on Friday. The plan worked and I had a blast. The Sisters say ‘He’s a keeper.’ THANK YOU TIM!!!

There are also a handful of other animals on property at Periwinkle RV Park - Spider monkeys, brown lemurs and the ring tailed lemurs pictured above. These and all the birds including a pair of swans were all within site of my campsite. Some of the ladies went kayaking the first day and had quite the adventure. By the time I caught up we went shopping in Sanibel and Captiva, sight seeing on the islands, enjoyed a potluck one night and had a fabulous dinner out at the Lazy Flamingo on another night. We even streamed the Royal Wedding from my campsite early Saturday morning while drinking mimosas from gold Solo cups! That’s how I roll. It was really nice hanging out with the sisters at this SOTF event. Some I knew and it was fun getting to know the ones I hadn’t met yet. I was as happy as a Flamingo in a trailer park! LOL

Florida has had an unbelievable amount of rain over the past week. Just over six inches while I was gone. Unfortunately no work has been able to be done on the ‘48 Airstream back home. Luckily the weather held out for us in south Florida until our last night. I had to get up early this morning to be able to hitch up and get on the road between showers. The drive home was a wet one. The rain was constant. I was comfortable during the drive but still considered it a confidence builder. I arrived home safely and now have another successful solo trip under my belt.