Tuesday, September 24, 2024



Today’s agenda for this Epic Adventure was a simple one. Pick up delivery packages from office. Paint rocks. Get tape adhesive off Airstream window frames. Put newest travel stickers on the Airstream door. Build a propane fire pit! 

Yay! It’s taken me many years to get to paint a rock here. Every time the paint kit was on loan and it never made its way to me. I got lucky yesterday by retrieving the paint kit! Today I took the time to paint two rocks. The paint brushes were not the best but I made due. It was fun! The first floral one I had an idea of doing that and

Was excited to find a rock here with a few round spots already on it. The second rock I was going to paint an Airstream on it but at the last minute I had a little Bob Ross vibe/inspiration happening … being in the surroundings that we are. Happy trees! And having just come from Alaska it was meant to be. FYI Alaska was Bob Ross’s inspiration for his paintings when he was in the service. Tomorrow we will place our painted rocks in the rock garden. 

It was a pretty quick process to add the last few travel stickers to the Airstream door. Thought we would have enough room doing them the way we had started. And I’ve been conservative with them. Now that I have ran out of room today I will need to add them to the rest of the door. 

Tim spent the afternoon starting on getting the tape adhesive off the exterior window frames. When we taped the windows with yoga mats for our travels through Alaska we had anticipated doing this. While working on that we met a nice Airstream couple from the Tampa Florida area who arrived today. 

*WARNING: Do not attempt building a propane fire pit amobox on your own. Seek the help of a professional before attempting this build. 🔥

In years past we have been able to have a nice wood burning campfire here where we are staying. We really do love a good wood burning campfire. However it’s been a constant battle with wet fire wood. Disrespect of building a campfire right next to someone else’s rig. And fire bans. Plus many more issues. So they have limited campfires to propane only here. That’s a good thing! 

It took me two trips to the campground office waiting on the delivery of our packages. Thanks to Amazon (which is delivered either USPS or UPS here) I was able to get most of the components delivered here. We have a nice round propane fire pit at home. However the decision was made to leave it at home for this trip. It was either the fire pit or a cooler. Something had to go! 

The biggest problem with our propane fire pit at home is the size and shape of it. It’s much harder to pack a big round pit than a small rectangular ammunition box. We have wanted one of these for awhile. 

Different brands of a propane fire amobox can be purchased from a company for $169 to $599 depending on options. Tim built this one for $120. We still need to do some tweaking. Drill side vent holes. Add a wire hardware grate. Add lava rocks, that we have, to disperse the heat more efficiently. The campfire that it produced tonight was awesome. With the other adjustments we need to make, it will be even more amazing and an easier pack for traveling. 

Details to come on the final build! 

Sunset: 7:07 pm

Sunrise: 7:02 am

Wildlife viewings:


Stellar’s Jay



*WARNING: Do not attempt building a propane fire pit amobox on your own. Seek the help of a professional before attempting this build. 🔥

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