Thursday, May 30, 2024

D31 - 05/29/24 DAWSON CREEK!!!

Wouldn’t ya know it? We had rain most of the night last night in Jasper. Travel day! Departed this morning with partly sunny skies. Our departure took us east on Highway 16. This gave us opportunity to view the one area of Jasper National Park that we had not been to … the Miette Hot Springs area. Gorgeous!

Our first stop was in Hinton. Hinton was just past our turnoff to head north. This stop was to do a little grocery shopping outside of a tourist area. It was great! Hit a grocery store,  hardware store and even made a beer stop. Canada doesn’t sell beer or wine in their grocery stores. 

The drive north from here was beautiful. The aspen are all leaf popping their beautiful bright green leaves for spring. Lots of pine forests along the way. Lots of rain. Lots of steep grades. Lots of big trucks. I handled it like a pro! When we fueled in Grande Prairie we saw our first Alaska direction sign here. Tim took the wheel at this point after fueling for the last 90 minutes of today’s drive. 

The final destination for the day is Dawson Creek, British Columbia and we are at the Mile 0 Campground. We have crossed into another time zone. It was pouring on our arrival through town so we did not get our 0 Mile Post picture. We will hopefully backtrack to get that in the morning. This is the start of the world famous Alaska Highway.

Ended the day with a propane leak in the oven. Hope to fix that tomorrow! Sun came out. LOL Now let’s see where this evening’s drivers meeting gets us tomorrow. Jett always loves helping with that! 

Miles from home:

5,051 km/ 3,138.5 miles

Elevation: 2,180’

Sunset: 9:31 pm

Sunrise: 4:26 am 

*Note shift in sunset/sunrise times due to … crossing into another time zone! Now 3 hours behind Eastern time. 

Wildlife sightings:

Black Bear



Canada Geese 



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