Sunday, May 26, 2024


What a day! Our morning was spent hiking in the Maligne Canyon. Just as we started hiking into the canyon there she was! A small brown bear and her cub. Wow. What an amazing site to see! We were so very fortunate to see them both. 

Then down into the canyon we went exploring the main trail to a number of the bridges. On our way back out we took the higher less traveled trail to get a different perspective of this beautiful work of nature. Half the time we cannot believe what Mother Nature has presented us with. 

Athabasca Falls was next on our list for today. Tim and I first stopped by the Airstream, had a quick lunch then loaded Jett up for the ride. We had found an alternative drive there on 93A back into the Icefields. It turned out to be just as an amazing drive as the Icefields Parkway. Glad we discovered it! 

Athabasca Falls we found to be a natural work of art. It was sculpted by glacial ice and the river water. There are a number of overlooks with amazing views from different directions. There is even a section of trail that goes back under the road. This interesting path allows for a view of the river below the falls. What a brilliant color sea foam green! And what a difference in the water color from above the falls. 

In returning to basecamp for the evening Tim built another campfire for us and I was able to do our regularly scheduled family zoom meeting. Thank you all for joining. Love you! 

So excited! Tomorrow brings both a different adventure and perspective for us to view this very special place. We will be soaring to new heights! The last picture is a little hint! 

Sunset: 10:00 pm 

Sunrise: 5:38 am

Wildlife viewing:


Big Horn Sheep



Mama Bear and cub! 

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