Friday, May 17, 2024

D19 - 05/17/24 ‘A HAZY SHADE OF WINTER’

Today was laundry day! There’s no laundromat in Waterton Park anymore. Our only option here was the Bayshore Inn & Spa. (thank you social media) To fit in we dressed like tourists to blend in with the guests. While our clothes were washing and drying we lounged about across the street at Trappers Mountain. Had some brews and … Sweet Potato Poutine. (sweet potato fries covered in homemade gravy and fresh cheese curds). Delicious!! 

Our next stop was The Prince of Wales Hotel. We had just missed afternoon tea on our arrival and it was beginning to snow! Big flakes but not accumulating. The hotel is beautiful and darn near destroyed in 2017 in a massive fire that burned 80% of this National Park. 

The hotel is picturesquely situated on a buff overlooking Upper Waterton Lake. Designed in a Swiss- chalet style. Built in 1864 it has 110 rooms and is the parks most recognized landmark. The interior is just as majestic. 

With the snow beginning to get heavier we needed to get back to basecamp. Jett had her first romp in the snow. She loves it!! We even took her on a hike over to Cameron Falls in it. We are guessing by nightfall we had almost two inches of accumulated snow here. I think I need to get her a rain coat now! 

We anticipated snow at some point during this Epic Adventure but never this much in one day. So beautiful! Let’s see what tomorrow brings now! 

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