Monday, May 20, 2024

D22 - 05/20/24 TRIP INTO BANFF


Yes. We could have drove the truck into town but we also don’t mind public transportation. Here for us today it made sense. We have to ride it tomorrow for a special outing. So this gave us a prelim on what to expect and now we know exactly where to make our bus transfer in town. 

Banff is a gorgeous resort town in Alberta, Canada. It’s known for its mountainous surroundings and of course hot springs, hiking, biking and skiing along with also being surrounded by Banff National Park. If you have never been here the mountains are monumental in size! 

One thing we noticed different from our last visit is that they have a majority of Banff Avenue blocked off to vehicular traffic. Great idea! Only the buses can slowly drive through. This really opens up the sidewalks and reduces that crowed foot traffic. 

Downtown was busy. But not as busy as last time. We had fun shopping and exploring downtown. Loved the Canadian Brew House. They offer Husband Daycare! Yes. Really. Now someone was thinking on that marketing campaign. 

Banff Avenue Brewing Co. was were stopped for a cold local brew and light appetizer. It was the perfect cozy spot out of the crowds to relax for a bit. 

Eventually we made our way back to the campground by bus. They make it very easy to want to take the bus. Walked Jett. She had been good while we were gone. We are being very cautious here too. Heads on swivels. A few days ago there was an incident with a cougar and a young elk in the next campground. Last time here a bear had attacked a family at night in a tent. 

Tomorrow we hope the weather is clear. We have anticipated this specific outing for quite awhile. It’s going to be stunning! 

PS …

No snow today. 

Saw some elk by campground entrance! 

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