Thursday, August 19, 2021

August 17-18, 2021 - Jett Happens

I’m not even sure where to begin …  

TUESDAY, August 17, 2021

Tuesday began with no internet in the campground. We really believe it began late Monday night. I usually end my night with beginning the outline for the days blog and if I don’t finish it I’ll tidy it up and add the pictures the next morning. This way if I don’t have internet or if something happens I always have each day finished and ready for when when I do get service and then it’s just a quick upload changing the status from outline to publish. 

Obviously this was not the case for Tuesday and Wednesday as we had our hands full. Tim and I had planned on going to Bear Creek to fish but Jett had other plans … as in many 💩’s which began Monday night. This progressed throughout the day Tuesday to 💩’s with 🩸where it was then too late to go anywhere. 

We did however manage to go fishing on Tuesday Taking turns walking up stream from basecamp so that at least one of us could be with Jett at all times. I just don’t think either one of us was focusing enough on fishing to catch anything but it was still nice to be outside fishing in this beautiful and spectacular landscape. 

Late in the afternoon Tim drove to Dolores, 24 miles away, to get plain white rice for Jett. This having not been our first rodeo with a sick dog we knew to start feeding her chicken and rice. While he was out he caught the local vet there that was just closing and got the number for the emergency vet 72 miles away in Durango. Tuesday night was not easy. It was much ‘ruffer’ than Monday night. Jett was now needing to go out every hour to two hours. With temperatures in the low 40’s this made it a bit more difficult to want to go out. Ugggh! 

WEDNESDAY, August 18, 2021

Making things worse was still not having internet to figure out where veterinarians are or even their hours or even researching the issues. Tim and I got up and ready early. Making our coffee in 2-Go cups and grabbing a snack breakfast on the way out the door, we loaded Jett up in the truck to head to Dolores 24 miles away. At about four miles from town is when you round a bend in the road and go from no signal to receiving full cellular signal. We arrived around 8am to begin making calls. 

Right off we knew that there was the vet in Dolores. Also from talking to our next door camping neighbors we knew that there was another vet 10 miles past Dolores in Cortez and also last resort the emergency vet in Durango. Long story short none of the places we called could take her. There were no openings.  Not even the emergency vet in Durango. Really? I am so disappointed with veterinarians in Colorado. It’s not a big emergency with her symptoms but it is still a huge concern for a dog owner. 

Eventually we called our vet in Florida. They are amazing! We have a plan laid out. We will continue the boiled chicken and plain white rice for a few days and start her on Imodium. They will send meds to our next location if needed and we will continue to monitor Jett to see if there is progress with her getting better. If she is not better by the time we got to bed tonight we can get up early again Thursday to get to Dolores by 7:30 to call the emergency vet in Durango to see if they have any appointments for the day. That’s how that emergency vet operates. 

While trying to figure everything out we did drive all the way into Cortez. Cortez is near Mesa Verde National Park where the cliff dwelling structures are. We fueled up. Got more rice and chicken at the grocery store. Drove by the truck stop where the best Mexican food is! We also stopped at an antique store that we saw six years ago that we did not have the opportunity to go to. WOW!!! Wow … is all I can say! This is the coolest place!! 

This is not the only room and there is tons more stuff outside! 

When we arrived back to basecamp there was finally internet. But no time for that … Jett got sick in the Airstream. I needed to call Tim to help me wrangle her. I got everything cleaned up. Entire floor washed. Took towels and a blanket to the laundry room  to wash. Right before I went back over to toss everything in the dryer the entire campground and probably valley lost power due to the oncoming storm. 

Now not only is there no power but definitely no internet. Then Tim decided to drive over to get more firewood for this evening as I sat outside with Jett. Right after he left I could hear the wind coming through the valley so I stood up to hold the awning if needed. Lucky that Tim saw other people’s plants and chairs begin blowing around and he came back before even crossing the bridge. We safely got the awning put up and decided to wait on the firewood. When the power goes out the policy of the campground is to lock up the laundry room. So I now had to wait a few hours for power to be restored so that I could go retrieve our laundry. 

What an exhausting two days! 

Still beautiful in the rain. 


At bedtime, Wednesday night, Jett has continued to improve some. The chicken and rice has done wonders plus we skipped her breakfast this morning trying to give her belly some time to recoup. She was NOT happy about that. The rain has continued here in Colorado. The temperatures have dropped. The high may only be 58*F tomorrow with more rain. Still better than 100*F plus with no rain in Utah!

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