Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's all about Roxy today.

We had an idea Roxy wasn't feeling well. So off to the vet we went
today. She has a little infection and should be feeling better soon.
This picture was taken at the vets office. The Doc was great and we
were very thankful they took us on such a short notice. The Doc had to
leave as soon as he was done with her because he had a few farm calls
to take care of. I guess some livestock & horses were having babies.

For now we are back at Jackson Center in Ohio at the A/S factory. All
the RV parks are booked for the holiday weekend. We were going to go
to the National Museum of the US Air Force today. But will make that
another day once Roxy gets to feeling better.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love some photos of the AF Museum if you get a chance later! anniedear

    PS love to Roxy!


D13 - 05/11/24 NORTHERN LIGHTS

What a busy day! My sister and I went to the Bozeman Farmers Market after she took care of her horses. Then I had some other shopping to do ...