Friday, June 26, 2020

And we have LIFT OFF!!!

***NOTE: Some of you may get this post twice. My apologies. The blog platform has deleted some of your emails. In order to begin receiving them again you will need to accept the invite sent to you. The invite will be good for 14 days. 

And a successful landing!!!

The weather held us up a bit last week but we finally had a good day to do the shell transfer. 

This was a HUGE MILESTONE! It took us about an hour to do the lift off of the shell from the old frame. There were of course those HIDDEN rivets all by the door frame that slowed us down a bit. Our golf cart again came in so handy moving both the old and new frames around. 

Tim and I then took a break before spending a few more hours getting the shell to fit the new frame. We used lots of scraps for shoehorns. Did some tugging and determined the catch points. 

The day started running out on us as the sun was setting. We have spent the last few days tweaking the shell and have a bit more to go before making the final attachment of the old shell to the new frame. The shell has been so twisted in all directions for so long on a frame that was collapsing under it. So this next step we are going to take slow and do properly. 

This last picture above shows the shell on the new frame!

I will include the link to YouTube for the FUN time lapse we did as well ... 

And we have LIFT OFF!!!

And a successful landing!!!

The weather held us up a bit last week but we finally had a good day to do the shell transfer. 

This was a HUGE MILESTONE! It took us about an hour to do the lift off of the shell from the old frame. There were of course those HIDDEN rivets all by the door frame that slowed us down a bit. Our golf cart again came in so handy moving both the old and new frames around. 

Tim and I then took a break before spending a few more hours getting the shell to fit the new frame. We used lots of scraps for shoehorns. Did some tugging and determined the catch points. 

The day started running out on us as the sun was setting. We have spent the last few days tweaking the shell and have a bit more to go before making the final attachment of the old shell to the new frame. The shell has been so twisted in all directions for so long on a frame that was collapsing under it. So this next step we are going to take slow and do properly. 

This last picture above shows the shell on the new frame!

I will include the link to YouTube for the FUN time lapse we did as well ... 

Sunday, June 14, 2020


Good morning everyone!

This will be a short quick update on the status of our 1948 Airstream Liner. The newly fabricated belly pan and plumbing has been completed. New axle was also installed!

Removed and cleaned more of the interior skins. 

And we flipped the frame back to right side up the other day!!!!

I think the old shell can be transferred to the new frame very soon! 

Thursday, April 30, 2020


Hey there! Yes, it’s been awhile but also time seems to have flown by. 

Since our return from our trip out west last year we have only taken two short trips. Tim and I took the ‘04 Airstream to Savannah for Christmas last year. We stayed at our favorite park (said it again) and had the pleasure of other family members join us. 

My mother and stepdad, Phyllis and John, joined us with their RV in the campsite right next door. Then my brother Robert and his son Jax came with their tent and stayed on our camp sites. Totally had the best Christmas lights in the park!

Our time is Savannah was fun! We thoroughly enjoyed  a tour of the Mercer Williams House Museum from ‘Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil’, took a walking tour of the Bonaventure Cemetery, visited the Georgia State Railroad Museum, ate at some amazingly delicious restaurants and even took a trolley ride at night to see the Christmas lights. After much hard work Jax was awarded his first Jr Ranger Badge at Fort Pulaski National Monument. So proud of him! We all really enjoyed the time together and made some great memories. 

The next outing that we took in the Airstream was in February. It was our usual trip out to Brooksville to the 101st Winter Convention of the Tin Can Tourists. Again! Super fun as always!! Prior to the event our Canadian friends courtesy parked with their vintage Airstream at our home. Then after the event another couple from New York also courtesy parked with their vintage Airstream in our front yard. Breakfast coffee and Happy Hour have been taken to a new level! Our neighbors love us!!

So many people have been hit hard by this virus. In knowing and acknowledging that we hope the best for all. Everyone’s situation is different. Fortunately for us we planned an idle year for 2020. We needed to stay home to focus on the restoration of the 1948 Airstream Liner. Then the COVID-19 virus hit. Other than not going out to eat and no work for me it has allowed us to get not only some work done on the ‘48 but finish other projects that always seem to get put on the back burner. Jett has definitely kept us in check. This situation has also allowed for planning to begin on the next BIG trip. Staying home and realizing that ‘it’ doesn’t need to be finished today because hey ... there is always tomorrow has turned out to be just what we needed. 

As of now it looks like the world will slowly begin to open back up over the next few months. We are constantly thinking of our families, and friends and hoping good health comes to them. Not a single person has not been affected by this. Wishing everyone a safe journey through all of this. Onward. 

D20 - 05/18/24 SQUIRREL!

  Say what ya want I tell Tim. This is what he says every time I wear this hat …    ‘There’s a squirrel on your head!’. Jealous I say!! 😉 I...